Allison Gabriel on Whether She Thinks Helen Should Say Yes to Ryan

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Sweet Magnolias fans are dealing with another cliffhanger. The second season of the Netflix series ended with Helen (Heather Headley) receiving a proposal from her ex-boyfriend (and first love) Ryan (Michael Shenefelt). 

Unfortunately, the credits rolled before Serenity’s finest lawyer gave her answer to his big question. So far, there’s no official word on whether Sweet Magnolias will get season 3. But Allison Gabriel, who plays the show’s love-to-hate-her villain Mary Vaughn, has an opinion on what Helen should say, she shared in a recent interview with Showbiz Cheat Sheet. 

Ryan revealed he wants Helen back in the ‘Sweet Magnolias’ Season 2 finale 

The normally unflappable Helen was on a rollercoaster throughout Sweet Magnolias Season 2. Even though she’d called off her relationship with Ryan at the end of season 1 because he wasn’t interested in having kids, she was still overjoyed to learn she was pregnant with his baby in the season 2 premiere. But happiness quickly turned to sorrow when she miscarried. After she picked up the pieces, she decided to pursue IVF while at the same time embarking on a tentative new romance with Erik (Dion Johnstone), a chef at Dana Sue’s restaurant. 

But just as it seemed Helen had finally closed the door on her past, Ryan abruptly re-entered her life. Not only had he reconsidered his whole “no kids” policy, but he was ready to take the leap into marriage. It was an about-face that left Helen – and viewers – stunned.

Allison Gabriel is Team Erik 

As Sweet Magnolias fans cross their fingers that they’ll get to see Helen’s response to Ryan’s proposal in a future episode, at least one person associated with the show knows how she’d like to see the story play out. Gabriel is firmly on Team Erik. 

“I like what Erik brings out in her,” she said in a phone interview. “I like that he is such a steadying force and he’s always showing up for her.” 

I think so much of relationships is about showing up for each other, even when it’s hard, even when it’s uncomfortable, even when it gets in the way of whatever it is that you have going on,” she added. “And I think Eric really does that for her in a way that Ryan keeps running away [from]. If he’s running away, don’t invite him back in.”

Will Helen be the next mayor of Serenity? And how will Mary Vaughn react to Jackson and Annie’s romance?

Gabriel – who stressed that she has “no idea” what the show’s writers have planned for future episodes – also weighed in on who she thinks could replace her character’s husband as Serenity’s mayor if he ends up being recalled. 

“I would love to see Helen as mayor of Serenity,” she said. “I think that’s a great story arc.” 

As for who her character would like to see replace Trent as the town’s mayor? “Mary Vaughn’s choice? Probably Mary Vaughn,” she said. 

But Mary Vaughn may have bigger things on her mind in a potential season 3 than a run for office. Gabriel said she’d like to see her character’s tough-as-nails facade crack a bit in the future. She’ll also have to deal with the news that her son Jackson (Sam Ashby) has fallen for Annie (Anneliese Judge), the daughter of her long-time rival Dana Sue.

“I think she has no idea [about their relationship],” Gabriel said. When she does learn of it, she’s probably not going to be too happy, especially given that she already ordered Jackson and his sister Nellie to steer clear of the Sweet Magnolias’ kids. “I think she’s going to feel a certain amount of betrayal,” Gabriel said.

Sweet Magnolias Season 2 is currently streaming on Netflix. 

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