Inside Bethenny Frankel And Jason Hoppy's Troubled Relationship

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Despite their very contentious breakup, Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy continued living together, which the RHONY star described as "brutal, horrendous, [and] excruciating" in 2014. According to People, Bethenny claimed in court, "He would not let me be alone with Bryn in the apartment." Adding that Jason would "stare at [her] with a menacing face," she alleged that he'd climb into the bed if Bethenny was laying with Bryn. 

In addition to Bethenny accusing Jason of locking her dog, Cookie, in their storage unit, she claimed that he left once Cookie at a dog hotel, but refused to share Cookie's whereabouts for hours. Bethenny eventually "cracked" and got her own place, and Jason moved out of the apartment in July 2016. Even so, Bethenny continued to spill the tea about their previous living arrangement, revealing in their March 2019 custody hearing (via People), "I had a padlock on my room to protect myself." 

Bethenny described their apartment as "a torture chamber," alleging that Jason "would blast the remote as high as possible" and "leave negative press" clippings about her on the counter: "I would see it and throw it in the garbage, and the next day ... he would take it out of garbage and put it there." Bethenny also claimed that, among other things, Jason would intentionally leave "rotting food" in the fridge, let dishes pile up, and slam doors. She further alleged, "He would go to the bathroom in the toilets and wouldn't flush them."
