Woman dies on smith machine, video goes viral on Riddit

Publish date: 2024-05-04

A Mexican woman has met her untimely death in the gym after trying to perform 180 kgs (405 pounds) smith machine squats.

The video, which was originally published in February this year didn’t go viral instantly. However, in mid-March, the video found its way on social media platforms and went viral like wildfire.

It was first shared on Reddit, then picked up on other social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, before making its way through YouTube.

The shocking video captures a Mexican woman in the gym, trying to lift 180kg weight without the help of the gym instructor.

She is seen with a young girl by her side, who is allegedly her daughter.

The woman, whose name is unknown, spoke with her daughter seconds before getting under the smith machine to work out.

There was only one gym instructor at the end of one side of the smith machine, but the woman didn’t mind for help.

From our context, it seems the weight was normal for her — or, it’s something she had practiced over and over. But, this time, she got it all wrong.

Watch the sad and shocking video below.
