Dredd 3Ds Dredd-ful Box Office Means Sequel Films Are In Slo-Mo

Publish date: 2024-05-05

By Rudie Obias | Published 11 years ago

This article is more than 2 years old

Those of you hoping for a sequel to Dredd 3D, we wouldn’t recommend holding your breath. Dredd 3D under-performed at the box office this weekend, with the sci-fi comic book reboot came in at a “Dredd”-ful sixth place and taking in only  $6.3 million in over 2,500 theaters.

With a reported budget of $50 million, it does not look like Dredd 3D will be a profitable film for its distributor Lionsgate, or at least not unless it does really well on home video. So what does this mean for the future of Dredd? Well, we can probably a quick turnaround for the movie to hit Blu-ray and DVD.

Since Dredd 3D under-performed in theaters, it’s unlikely we’ll get to see the sequel films screenwriter Alex Garland had planned. The screenwriter hoped to expand the world of Dredd into exploring the Cursed Earth, the Dark Judges, and Mega-City One’s graffiti artists, called Scrawlers, including the King Scrawler Chopper. For fans of the comic book series, there were numerous nods to these elements in the movie that Garland hoped to more fully explore in Dredd’s sequel films. Garland also spoke about possibly turning Dredd into a cable TV series where we’d follow the exploits of Judge Dredd and his rookie partner, Judge Anderson.

Dredd is also the latest victim of Comic Con-hype. In 2010, Edgar Wright’s Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World premiered at the San Diego Comic-Con with positive buzz and reviews from film bloggers and fans. But when the film was released to the general public later that year, the movie under-performed as well, taking in only $10 million in its opening weekend. The next year, in 2011, Jon Favreau’s Cowboys & Aliens saw the same reception at Comic-Con but again disappointed on its opening weekend with $36 million. Will movie studios be willing to premiere their genre films at Comic Con next year?

Despite Dredd’s disappointing box office, it doesn’t mean Dredd is a bad film; quite the contrary. Dredd is a fun thrill ride that is full of heavy action, bloody gore, and candy-coated visuals. If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out in theaters before it’s too late. It’s worth it!
