Marvels Wong Should Remain Sorcerer Supreme, Heres Why

Publish date: 2024-05-05

By Chris Snellgrove | Updated 6 months ago

Marvel comics fans grew up reading about Doctor Strange’s adventures as the Sorcerer Supreme. However, the MCU threw fans for a twist by revealing that Strange’s assistant Wong actually became the Sorcerer Supreme thanks to the Thanos snap. To this day, fans intensely debate whether Wong should keep the title or it should return to Strange, but here’s a truth that rocks even harder than Beyoncé’s greatest hits: Wong should remain the Sorcerer Supreme for the foreseeable future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

On a related note, we believe Marvel should keep Wong as Sorcerer Supreme because it helps to free Doctor Strange up for more misadventures (and, God willing, more personality).

Why do we think Wong needs to stay Sorcerer Supreme rather than Doctor Strange? For one thing, Wong simply brings more personality to the position than Strange ever did. Whereas Strange often alternates between being a grim harbinger of doom or just a wizard with a stick up his ass, Wong is a character that has grown into someone who can make us smile with a single glance (certainly not a bad quality in a Sorcerer Supreme).

On a related note, we believe Marvel should keep Wong as Sorcerer Supreme because it helps to free Doctor Strange up for more misadventures (and, God willing, more personality). He won’t have to be burdened by the position or the responsibility when the next cosmic threat rears its ugly head, which means fans could theoretically see a lot more of Strange. And much like the Hulk, this would free Strange up to make more cameos in various films rather than limiting his appearances to his own headlined features.

Ultimately, we have no way of knowing if Marvel will keep Wong as the Sorcerer Supreme, but the title and position certainly seem to fit him better than they ever fit Doctor Strange.

Speaking of cameos, it also appears easier for the Marvel powers that be to get Wong actor Benedict Wong (yes, true believers: Wong is played by a man named Wong) for cameo appearances on Disney+ than Benedict Cumberbatch. And we’d go so far as to say that Wong’s cameo in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (which involved him both fighting with and later helping Emil Blonsky) was one of the highlights of that show.

If Wong stays the Sorcerer Supreme, it will be easier to get more cameos from a character of this position and prominence in the future, and that can help add gravitas to various series that (let’s face it) often feel insubstantial.

While it’s certainly a matter of opinion, we also love the idea of Marvel keeping Wong as the Sorcerer Supreme because it is emblematic of how much the character has grown. When we were first introduced to Wong, he was a stern keeper of ancient books who had nothing but disdain for Doctor Strange and hadn’t even heard of Beyoncé. Now, he is a chill hang with both Doctor Strange and Madisynn, and he has better musical tastes as well as adorable nicknames such as “Wongers.”

Speaking of cameos, it also appears easier for the Marvel powers that be to get Wong actor Benedict Wong (yes, true believers: Wong is played by a man named Wong) for cameo appearances on Disney+ than Benedict Cumberbatch.

Finally, we want Marvel to retain Wong as Sorcerer Supreme because he is more proactive in both his professional and personal lives. In Shang-Chi, for example, he helps run down information about the Ten Rings, and in She-Hulk, we see that he likes to unwind by participating in the wildest fight club on the planet. Let’s be honest…isn’t that a lot cooler than Doctor Strange, who has literally spent the majority of his MCU appearances waiting for characters to crash his house (sometimes literally) and get him to reluctantly join in an adventure?

Ultimately, we have no way of knowing if Marvel will keep Wong as the Sorcerer Supreme, but the title and position certainly seem to fit him better than they ever fit Doctor Strange. And as fans of both the actor and the character, we’d selfishly love to see him remain Sorcerer Supreme if that means getting to see more appearances in television and film. Don’t worry, though: if Doctor Strange ever becomes Sorcerer Supreme, we’re confident the first thing spell he will perform is a Spider-Man-esque enchantment to make the world forget he ever lost his sweet gig.
