Flashback: 2014 WWE Hell In A Cell Results (10/26) Cena vs Orton, Big Show vs Rusev, Ambrose vs

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Cena and Orton slug it out on the floor before Orton whips him into the cage, then he goes after Cena with a chair but Cena knocks it outside. Orton hits him a few times and gets the chair, then he hits Cena in the back and wedges it in the corner before taking him down with a DDT. Orton hits Cena a few more times and taunts the crowd, then Cena clotheslines him before Orton connects with a powerslam and sends him outside. Cena picks Orton up and slams him into the cage, then he goes for an Attitude Adjustment but Orton blocks it and slams him crotch first into the ringpost. Orton puts Cena on the apron and shoulder tackles him into the cage wall, then Cena slams him on the floor before he gets a table. They trade punches before Cena goes for an AA through the table, but Orton flips it over and dropkicks him before whipping Cena in the corner.

Orton sends him into the chair wedged in the turnbuckles, then he tries sending Cena through a table but Cena stops and takes him down with a shoulder tackle. Orton comes right back with a RKO to counter a second shoulder tackle, but Cena kicks out so Orton whips him headfirst into the table. Orton gets a two count, then he brings part of the ring steps inside and tries to slam him on them but Cena counters with a side slam. Cena hits a Five Knuckle Shuffle and calls for another AA, but Orton drops down and hits him with a low blow before calling for a punt kick. Orton runs but Cena rolls away and puts him in the STF, but Orton reaches the ropes and crawls under the ropes to break Cena’s hold. Cena whips the ring steps at Orton but Orton dives out of the way, then Orton whips him into the ringpost and before he rolls him back inside. 

Cena connects with a quick Attitude Adjustment for two, then he attempts a second but Orton counters at the last second with a midair RKO for two. Orton yells at the ref for a slow count before Cena does hit another AA, then Orton kicks out and Cena goes for another table. He lays Orton across it and heads up top, but Orton cuts him off and tries for a super RKO into the table. Cena shoves him back but Orton stops himself, but Cena picks him up and hits an Attitude Adjustment from the second rope through a table for the win. 

Winner – John Cena 
