Exclusive: Details Behind The Rocks Notes On His Wrist

Publish date: 2024-05-09

The RockWZ has learned that John Cena referencing The Rock having notes on his wrist, which were visible on RAW, was not a planned part of the show.

There was much speculation that it was scripted for Cena to call out The Rock's notes, but that appears to be incorrect. The Rock legitimately had the notes to refer to if needed for his lengthy live promo. As WZ columnist Mark Madden wrote, it is something The Rock has done for years.

I spoke to a source close to the situation who reminded me of last year when John Cena responded to one of the taped promos The Rock did where Cena made mention of being able to the see the teleprompter The Rock was reading off of in the reflection.

It seems that the improvised comments revealing some of the tricks The Rock uses to perform his promos is one of the best public examples of the genuine animosity between The Rock and John Cena. The source says there are other comments they make on-air about one another that are “just as surprising” as Cena making mention of the notes, the difference being the notes on the wrist comment is unusual for fans to hear in a wrestling promo.

In addition to this knowledge, WWE's official YouTube account does not have any video of that segment on RAW posted anymore. This is surprising because they typically post most segments of each episode of RAW. This was the big promoted return of The Rock to RAW and the first time the two had been face to face since Survivor Series so you would think that would be a video archived on WWE's YouTube. In addition, WWE has all of the other segments recently or from earlier in 2011 that the two appeared in together.

There are other videos of that segment on RAW uploaded by people not affiliated with WWE. These copies of the show are taken from different television feeds around the world and posted without the authorization of WWE. There are several videos that are uploaded courtesy of certain international television networks where it appears the notes on The Rock's wrist are blocked out via a block that is the matching color of The Rock's arm. WWE RAW does air or repeat at a later time in some markets around the world which seems to indicate they edited the segment for airing after it happen live.

This seems to be another example and story furthering the many reports about the true dislike and competitiveness The Rock and John Cena seem to have for one another.

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