The 12 Hottest Plus-Size Models

Publish date: 2024-05-09

No woman is immune to criticism over her body, but models have it especially hard. With professional sample sizes rarely above a size 2, the pressure to be stick-thin is constant, and it’s intense. But there are a select few women who have embraced their curves and even made a career out of them: plus-size models.

The term “plus-size models” didn’t even really exist the way it does now prior to the early 1990s, when the phrase started being applied to any model who didn’t conform to the rail-thin standards set up by Kate Moss and even Twiggy decades earlier.

However, plus-size models have been represented since the 1970s, though such activities were largely under the radar of the public eye. Nowadays, any model over a size 6 is typically considered “plus size,” while clothing size 14 and up is considered plus size amongst most average women.

Since then, the fashion industry has become relatively more enlightened, but still has a long way to go to overcome its obsession with thinness. And these 12 ladies have all helped make a serious impact in that area–click through the gallery to see 12 pluz-size models that permanently changed the game!
